Saturday, April 16, 2011

About to get on the road again

My roadtrip is off to a rather dubious start....

1. The SUV I reserved was not there. I am now driving cross country in mini-Minivan. There should be some rule that says single women without kids cannot drive minivans.

2. My car adapter for my GPS is MIA. I used it last week and it has since disappeared. I think my mom's cats are plotting against my safe return.

3. I still need to buy road trip supplies. When I told my mom I needed to go to target to pick up food, etc., she asked "Why?"

My response, "I'm not going to drive cross country without food and water."

"Yeah. I guess that makes sense."

But I know I will be in Vegas soon and one day closer to home.

1 comment:

Robert B said...

Have a safe trip, Robyn.