Miles: 300-ish
Highway Patrol: 3
Tolls: 0
Hitchhikers: 2 (there was a sign on the highway that said "Hitchhiking Permitted"....
I didn't really expect it to take almost 6 hours to drive across the state of Washington, but it did...those dirt roads leaving the winery took a while.
During the drive I was somewhat surprised about the landscape of central Washington, it was almost desert-like, and the scenery reminded me somewhat of Lake Havasu in Arizona! And I found what I call a "mini-me" Grand Canyon - it is about 1/10 of the one in Arizona and not as colorful, but other than that a dead ringer.
Normally rain isn't a big deal to me, but as I drove down some very steep mountains on some very windy roads adding rain to the mix is a recipe for disaster. Thank you state of Washington for having guard rails...there tends to be a family history of windy mountainous roads, absent guard rails and disasters....
By the time I got into downtown Seattle I was
Next stop: touring Seattle....
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